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The Insight

The Canadian Ophthalmological Society (COS) was facing a significant challenge. There was a pervasive negative public perception and confusion about the roles of ophthalmologists and optometrists. Many Canadians did not understand the difference between these two types of eye care professionals, leading to misunderstandings about who to consult for various eye care needs. This lack of clarity was detrimental to both the public’s eye health and the professional reputation of ophthalmologists.

The Idea

To address this issue, we developed a comprehensive multi-year campaign aimed at educating the public about eye care and the distinct roles of ophthalmologists. The centerpiece of this campaign was a series of compelling videos that captured real patient stories. These stories highlighted the critical role that ophthalmologists played in restoring not only vision but also overall health. The videos were designed to be emotionally engaging, showcasing the personal and profound impact of ophthalmological care.

These videos were promoted through a strategic online advertising buy and extensive social media posts, ensuring maximum visibility and engagement. We also hosted the videos on a dedicated website developed by our team, providing a central hub for information and resources about eye care.

To further amplify the campaign’s reach and impact, we encouraged Canadians to share their own experiences with ophthalmologists. This user-generated content helped to build a sense of community and shared understanding about the importance of specialized eye care. Additionally, the campaign was supported by a national public relations and influencer program, which extended our message to Canadians from coast to coast through earned media coverage and influencer endorsements.

The Impact

The campaign had a substantial impact on public awareness and engagement. There was an outpouring of shared stories on social media, demonstrating the widespread resonance of the campaign’s message. The campaign achieved 27 million media impressions, driven by extensive earned coverage and press release pick-ups. We secured 33 media hits, which helped to further spread the message and educate the public.

In terms of digital engagement, the campaign generated 1 million impressions from blog posts and social media activity, indicating a high level of public interest and interaction. The videos themselves were viewed over 900,000 times, underscoring their effectiveness in capturing the audience’s attention and delivering the educational message about the vital role of ophthalmologists in eye care.