
  • Client

    TELUS Health

  • Category

    Virtual Care

  • Project Type

    Branding, Campaigns

The Insight

Most people recognize TELUS as a telecommunications company known for its reliable network and cutting-edge technology. Our challenge was to broaden the masterbrand’s “right to play” into a new sector: healthcare. We needed to communicate a compelling reason why a telecom company could excel as a healthcare delivery brand and establish trust with consumers in this new role.

Additionally, we aimed to inform consumers about a revolutionary method of accessing healthcare—virtual care. This dual-layered communication challenge was at the heart of our campaign. The goal was not only to position TELUS Health MyCare as a trustworthy healthcare provider but also to educate the public on the benefits and accessibility of virtual healthcare services. This required a nuanced approach that would resonate with diverse demographics, especially those in underserved areas.

The Idea

To launch the virtual care platform and establish TELUS as a trusted health company, we leaned into the network’s core strength: connection and access. We wanted to convey that TELUS Health MyCare was more than just a telecommunication service—it was a lifeline to quality healthcare.

Our campaign was meticulously crafted to reach rural, remote, and Indigenous communities that face significant barriers in accessing medical care. These communities often struggle with limited healthcare infrastructure, making it difficult to see a doctor regularly. The TELUS Health MyCare app was designed to bridge this gap by connecting patients with doctors across the nation, essentially reviving the concept of house calls but with a modern twist. The app allowed for video consultations, prescription refills, and health monitoring, providing comprehensive care without the need for physical travel.

We created engaging and relatable content that showcased real-life scenarios where TELUS Health MyCare could make a difference. Stories of individuals in remote areas receiving timely medical advice and care through the app were highlighted to build an emotional connection with the audience. The campaign also emphasized the convenience and accessibility of virtual care, reinforcing the idea that quality healthcare was now within reach for everyone, regardless of their location.

The Impact

The launch of MindBeacon featured a series of four animated videos, each addressing sensitive mental health issues through patient experiences, creating a relatable and compassionate brand image. This was supported by a national PR campaign during Mental Health Awareness Week in October, securing widespread media coverage and positioning MindBeacon as a trusted name in mental health.

Our comprehensive three-month social media strategy included both paid and unpaid efforts, driving engagement and brand recognition. We also developed the MindBeacon website, creating a welcoming and informative digital home for the brand. Additionally, we devised a speaker and sponsorship plan, further establishing MindBeacon as a leader in digital mental health support.

Through these efforts, Gene successfully transformed MindBeacon into a recognizable and trusted brand, enhancing its visibility and accessibility in the mental health landscape.