Want to Deliver on Omnichannel? You Need a Brand Platform

Omnichannel is the big buzzword in healthcare marketing right now. Everyone wants to deliver on it, but few truly understand what it takes. You need more than an enterprise martech stack or a carefully mapped customer journey. To get omnichannel right, you need something bigger—something that ties it all together.

If you want to deliver on omnichannel, you need a unifying brand platform. Not another tagline. Not just another campaign idea. A brand platform.

But what is that, exactly? It’s the glue. The central story. A brand platform is a cohesive, strategic positioning of your brand that can be threaded through every communication and touchpoint, regardless of channel. It’s not just about what you say; it’s about how you show up consistently across everything you do.

In a world where people expect to interact with brands across countless devices and channels, without experiencing any kind of disconnect, a brand platform makes sure you’re speaking with one voice. Whether it’s an in-store experience, a TikTok ad, or a CRM email, the platform ensures that your brand’s story—who you are and what you stand for—comes through seamlessly.


OOH for the brand platform Gene created for TELUS Health – “The doctor will see you now”


A lot of marketers worry that sticking to a single brand platform across everything means giving up on creativity. That couldn’t be further from the truth. A great platform isn’t prescriptive—it’s generative. It’s the strategic foundation that allows you to tell a hundred different stories that all feel like they belong to the same brand.

Think of some of the most successful omnichannel brands: Nike, Apple, LEGO. They’re able to be playful, bold, emotional, or even irreverent, all while staying true to their brand’s identity. Whether they’re sharing a hero TV spot or engaging on social, it’s unmistakably them. That’s the power of a unifying brand platform.

These brands are also obsessed with their brand and demand excellence in every aspect of execution.

They don’t settle for “good enough.” They strive for the highest standards, ensuring that every single touchpoint reflects their brand values and story with absolute precision. This kind of obsession is what sets them apart and makes their omnichannel strategies so effective.

Omnichannel is fundamentally about creating a cohesive experience for people across their entire journey with your brand. It’s about ensuring every touchpoint feels connected, no matter when or where it happens. If you want that level of integration, you need more than a laundry list of tactics—you need a strategic thread.


Social content for the brand platform Gene created for SE Health – “The Home of Health”


A brand platform allows you to craft each individual message with a shared purpose, and that’s what turns an assortment of ads and touchpoints into an orchestrated experience. When you’re brand obsessed and demand nothing less than excellence in execution, every piece of communication—no matter how small—becomes an opportunity to reinforce your brand identity and deepen the connection with your audience.

Creating a unifying brand platform isn’t easy. It’s strategic work that demands a deep understanding of your brand’s core values, your audiences needs, and your place in the market. It’s creative work that should inspire and provide space for the people telling your brand’s story—from agency partners to customer service reps—to craft messaging and experiences that resonate.

To build a truly impactful brand platform, you also need to identify a core tension or enemy that your brand is up against.

This is the challenge your audience faces, the problem that’s holding them back, or the status quo that needs changing. Your brand platform should provide a clear resolution to this tension—offering your audience a way to overcome the obstacle and achieve something better. This tension-resolution dynamic is what gives your brand platform emotional power and makes it compelling.

The best platforms don’t come from a single moment of inspiration, but rather from a rigorous process of defining what makes your brand unique. It takes thoughtful positioning, authentic brand storytelling, and collaboration across your entire organization. It also requires a relentless focus on excellence—ensuring that every execution, every channel, and every interaction delivers on the promise of your brand platform.


Digital ad unit for the brand platform Gene created for Infoway – “A new day in health care is coming”


To deliver on omnichannel, you need more than tools and tactics—you need a unifying brand platform. A foundation that can inform not just what you say, but how you say it and how you show up across every channel.

Invest in the strategic and creative work it takes to build a true brand platform. Obsess over your brand, and demand excellence in every aspect of its execution. Identify the core tension your brand addresses and provide a powerful resolution. It will make everything else—from TikTok content to a clinic experience—more impactful, more connected, and more you.